The financing of energy-efficient building modernization


The collaborative project “Financing the Energy Efficient Modernization of Buildings” (FEIRE) aims to identify targeted proposals for measures and options for action to promote the energy efficient modernization of buildings based on a newly created database of the emission savings potential of buildings and financial savings potential for owners or tenants. It consists of three subprojects.

Subproject 1: Measurement of financing-related investment barriers

The first subproject focuses on the measurement of financing-related investment barriers through econometric analyses.

Subproject 2: Policy analysis and consideration of future developments of energy and emission costs

The second subproject uses these findings to calibrate an economic investment model for policy analysis, considering future developments in energy and emission costs.

Subproject 3: Building owners and real estate market

The third subproject provides data access to over 900,000 members of the potential target group and final dissemination of the results.

Dipl.-Pol. Matthias zu Eicken
