Sustainable Finance Brown Bag Seminar: The evolution of ethical forms of investment

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Exchange and networking with the (inter-) national scientific community.

This is a goal of our SFCP companion agenda in cooperation with the Sustainable Finance Science Platform.

In this context, we would like to thank the speaker of our last Sustainable Finance Brown Bag Seminar last Thursday, Dr. Jarrod Ormiston. He gave an interesting presentation on his recent working paper “The evolution of ethical forms of investment: An integrative systematic review of responsible, ethical, social, sustainable and impact investment”. The work of Jarrod and his co-authors includes an integrative systematic review to reconnect ethical forms of investment and trace their evolution. In doing so, they define six waves of development, from an account of the initial emergence to the deinstitutionalization of the various investment forms.

Furthermore, we would like to thank the audience for their valuable feedback. An important insight for (young) researchers in the field of sustainable finance and especially impact investing is the ambiguity of measuring and tracking impact. As Prof. Dr. Timo Busch already mentioned, the question to which journal a paper should be submitted is of great importance.

We look forward to interesting and insightful contributions as part of our project.
