Study published: GAS

How to green the European Auto ABS market?

Loriana Pelizzon, Max Riedel, and Carmelo Latino at the Leibniz Institute for Financial Market Research SAFE have published a literature survey (link) on this topic of growing relevance.

Sustainable Finance Brown Bag Seminar: The evolution of ethical forms of investment

Exchange and networking with the (inter-) national scientific community.

This is a goal of our SFCP companion agenda in cooperation with the Sustainable Finance Science Platform.

In this context, we would like to thank the speaker of our last Sustainable Finance Brown Bag Seminar last Thursday, Dr. Jarrod Ormiston. He gave an interesting presentation on his recent working paper “The evolution of ethical forms of investment: An integrative systematic review of responsible, ethical, social, sustainable and impact investment”.

Format Launch: Science Meets Stakeholder – CREATE

How can the energy-related refurbishment rate of buildings be positively influenced with the help of attractive taxonomy-compliant financial instruments?

This was the guiding question of the joint webinar of the “VfU Forum Real Estate” and the event series “Science meets Stakeholder”.
